Science Fiction & Fantasy Author and Illustrator
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States
Knuckles & Bones:
Knuckles & Bones, also known as Pebbles & Twigs or Eyes & Fingers, is a game played by Orm, the Cargla giant; the Rufin "retrievers of previously stolen items," and other charcters in
The Enchanted Dagger - The Chronicles of Lifthrasir Book I.
If you want to give it a go, here are the rules for the game:
Rules for Knuckles & Bones
(or Pebbles & Twigs or Eyes & Fingers)
Knuckles & Bones (also known as Eyes & Fingers, and Pebbles & Twigs) is an easy game played with six twigs, nine dark pebbles, and nine light-colored pebbles. Though eight pebbles apiece would be sufficient for playing the game, eight is considered an unlucky number throughout Dobran. Nine, in contrast, is three threes, and a number of the luckiest sort.
Three twigs are laid horizontally, then three twigs are laid in a crosshatch pattern vertically. This lucky arrangement of two groups of three twigs forms the grid of sixteen squares where the pebbles will be placed.
Player One, the person with the dark pebbles, always starts first. This is based on the belief that darkness is the beginning of all things. Player One places one of his pebbles in a space created by the crosshatched twigs.
Then, Player Two, the person with the light-colored pebbles, takes his turn, for light follows dark. Player Two places one of his pebbles in a space created by the crosshatched twigs.
The players alternate turns until one of them has managed to place four of his pebbles in a straight line vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Players must focus not only on achieving their four-pebble Run, but also on blocking their opponent's attempt at a Run.
If no one is able to line up four of their pebbles in a straight line, then the game is declared a Draw and money bet on the outcome must be returned.
An experienced player, memorizes all the possible scenarios and can usually out-play a less experienced opponent.
Some players are known to Throw a game or two to up the bets, and then, win a game with big stakes.
The solutions to the puzzles and riddles solved by Beck in
The Enchanted Dagger - The Chronicles of Lifthrasir Book I
Chapter VIII:
Hunters' Puzzle Box
Chapter XVII:
Spell from Mage Halvard's Trunk (must be said aloud 3 times to work)
Eagle Night Eagle Moon __ Eagle Sun Cloud __ Rain Sun Eagle Danger
The last 2 glyphs are: Underground and Ice.
First Puzzle Box's Riddle
"Once covered in flesh, we cover flesh."
The tiles on this box were made of carved sheep-bone with scrimshawed Janeparn runes. The scroll inside was made of sheepskin. Thus, the bones that were once below a sheep's skin, now, are outside of it.
Second Puzzle Box Saying
In Chapter IV, Beck mentions that this is one of Nana Rosheen's favorite sayings.
Chapter XIX:
Orm's Riddle
What swims through the air, flies through the water, walks on knives, and sleeps in shields?
Answer: A dragon, of course! A dragon can navigate equally as well in water or air, walks on claws (knives) and sleeps in its scales (shields).
Chapter XX:
Spell on the Wall of Raven's Haunt
(must be said 3 times, and a drop of D'Anlo blood offered to the Wall to gain admittance).
Kill Ice Tree Hart Air Night Darkness Kill Ice Night
(friends and relations)
Those who ask for admittance using this method in a polite and respectful manner will find themselves safely in the fortress faster than those who are rude and disrespectful, since the Wall has all the time in the world to grant entrance.
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States