Science Fiction & Fantasy Author and Illustrator
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States
Discussion Questions:
The Enchanted Dagger by Vonnie Winslow Crist
The Enchanted Dagger is a Young Adult – Cross-Over fantasy novel set in the world of Lifthrasir. Below are a series of questions to serve as a guide for discussion of the book. Vonnie loves to hear from her readers, enjoys appearing at sf/f cons, writers' conferences, school author and/or illustrator visits, and Skyping with book clubs. Contact her for more info:
1-Who are the key characters? Do you empathize with one or more of these characters?
2-Is the book written in the first person, third person, or second person? Is the story told from one point of view or many?
3-What genre is The Enchanted Dagger? Is this a genre you're familiar with?
4-Do the characters react the way you thing you would in a similar situation? Do their experiences cause them to grow or change? If so, how?
5-Does the book have a central theme? If so, what? Does the book have multiple themes? If so, how do they interlink? Do the themes blend naturally with the storyline, or do you feel the author is using her characters to preach a certain way of thinking?
6-What was the significance of the title? Would you have given the book a different title? If yes, what is your title and why did you select it?
7-Do the location and environment of The Enchanted Dagger color the telling of the story or are they merely a backdrop? When the location changes, does this have any effect on the central characters?
8-What scene was the most pivotal for the book? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?
9-What scene resonated most with you personally in either a positive or negative way? Why?
10-Is the book autobiographical, has the author brought her own experiences to The Enchanted Dagger? Is it similar to other books the author has written? Does the author show any growth or change in style between books?
11-Did you like the book or not? Did you enjoy the book? Is it possible to find a book interesting without “enjoying” it? If you didn't enjoy it, what sort of person do you think would?
12-Do you think the cover and back-cover synopsis do a good job of indicating the type of book The Enchanted Dagger is? Did the book live up to your expectations after seeing the cover and reading the synopsis?
13-Did you think the ending was appropriate? How would you like to have seen the ending go?
14-What do you think will happen to the characters next? What would you like to see happen in a sequel?
15-Are there any books you would compare The Enchanted Dagger to? How does this book hold up to them?
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States