Science Fiction & Fantasy Author and Illustrator
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States
Readers, this is a work in progress. I'll be updating the information on a regular basis as I sift through my records.
Oh, to be more organized!
"A wolf is kept fed by his feet," Paper Crow, Vol. 3, Iss.1, Spring/Summer 2013, Angela Charmaine Craig, ed., Elektrik Milk Bath Press, Richardson, TX, p.7.
"The Andromedes," Emg-Zine, Dec. 2012, online
"Penelope," Emg-Zine, Dec. 2011, online,
"Kingdom Across the River" Garden of the Crow, Angela Charmaine Craig, ed., Elektrik Milkbath Press, Richardson, TX, 2011, p.53. ISBN 978-0-9828554-2-3. Plus, it's in Owl Light.
"The Greener Forest," Author Amok, online,
"Mars Rising," Paper Crow, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Angela Charmaine Craig, ed., Elektrik Milk Bath Press, Richardson, TX, Spring 2011, p.14.
"Immortality," Emg-Zine, 12/2010, online,
"On the Edge," Paper Crow, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Angela Charmaine Craig, ed., Elektrik Milk Bath Press, Richardson, TX, Fall/Winter 2010, p.22.
"Raven," Emg-Zine, Sept. 2010, online, "Raven" was voted the Best Poem of 2010 in the Preditors & Editors Reader's Poll.
"Death-Haunted," Champagne Shivers, Cathy Buburuz, ed., Sam's Dot Publishing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Fall 2010, p.49.
"Before the Battle,"Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, online, July 2010.
"Dragons," Emg-Zine, May 2010, online,
"Flower Face," Illumen, Vol. VI, No. 2, Karen L. Newman, ed., Sam's Dot Publishing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Spring 2010, p.14. ISSN: 1558-9714
Haiku, Scifaikuest - A Magazine of Minimalist Poetry, Vol. VII, No. 3, Teri Santitoro, ed., Sam's Dot Publishing, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb. 2010, p.13. ISSN: 1558-9730
"Spiders," EMG-Zine, June 2009, online,
"Harvest Mouse," Welter, Lakesha Keith, ed., School of Communications Design at University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, Spring 2009, p.69. Included in Owl Light.
"Sea Children," Sea Stories, Hibernal 2009 Issue, online. Sorry, readers. It looks like the archives from 2009 have been eliminated.
"At the Asian Arts Center," The Chesapeake Reader, Vol. 11, #1, Towson, MD, Spring 2008, online. Sorry, readers, the website is down -- but it appears in Owl Light.
"Frozen Earth," Manorborn 2008 - Memory, Al Morey, ed., Abecedarian Books, Inc., Baldwin, MD, p..
"if not," The Loch Raven Review, Spring 2008, online.
"School Fieldtrip," Manorborn 2006 - Poems of Place, Vol. 4, No. 1, Carol Bindel, Susan Lesser, and Betsy Wollaston, eds., Abecedarian Books, Inc., Baldwin, MD, June 2006, p.21. ISBN: 0-9763106-6-6-X
"Venus," life in me like grass on fire, Laura Shovan, ed., Maryland Writers Association, p..
"Harpers Ferry," life in me like grass on fire, Laura Shovan, ed., Maryland Writers Association, p..
"if not," The Loch Raven Review #4 Annual Anthology,Christopher George, ed., p..
"River of Stars," Manorborn 2009 - Water, The Harford Poetry & Literary Society, p..
"Not Seen," September Eleven Voices, Maryland State Poetry Society, Rosemary Klein, ed. p.. Included in Owl Light.
Vonnie Winslow Crist
Wood's Edge, MD
United States